Applicants for Bachelor's and Master's theses should have completed the subjects "Energy Transition" or "Solar Energy Systems" with a grade of at least 2.0.

En­er­get­ic con­sid­er­a­tion Re­lo­ca­tion of the sum­mer hol­i­days

Based on a future energy supply based on 100% renewable energies (fully electrified, with heat pumps and electric mobility), the cost savings (through less consumption, less PV, less seasonal storage) that could result from a shift of the 3-6 week summer holidays to winter time (end of December to mid-February) are to be investigated.
The starting point is the previous summer holiday behaviour (duration, travel destinations, reduction of industrial, commercial and household consumption as well as the reduction of public administration consumption during this time, possibly additional consumption in the holiday regions)

The candidate should be able to independently research the necessary data for this interdisciplinary work.

Re­gen­er­at­ive en­ergy sup­ply for a moun­tain sta­tion

Topic 0 taken

Replacement of tunnel lighting (36 neon tubes) in the mountain with LED lamps. Power supply by PV generator, buffering via the existing accumulator. Difficulties: Strong thunderstorm activities causing overvoltages and already destroyed some trial LEDs of the operator.


Topic I

Task: Develop a concept to substitute the existing diesel generators with regenerative energy converters.

Sufficient PV to switch off the 180 kW diesel from 10-14 h, buffering via battery.


Topic II

Task: Develop a concept for substituting the existing diesel generators with regenerative energy converters.

Entire summer half-year via PV, small diesel gen only in very bad weather (there is still a 60 kW night diesel).


Topic III taken

Task: Develop a concept to replace the existing diesel generators with regenerative energy converters.

Complete autonomy, incl. heating, through PV and an H-rotor wind generator (there are storms in winter).

Stefan Krauter

Professor - Sustainable Energy Concepts for Energy Transition.

Office: N1.110
Phone: +49 5251 60-2301

Office hours:

Tuesdays 10:00 -11:00 via ZOOM: